15. Silent Movie Festival

This Friday, 20/04, at 19:30, Spontaneous Chamber Music will perform at Iluzjon Cinema in Warsaw (PL). We will improvise music for a silent movie from 1932, “Spanish dancer.” This is one of the first films made with such a flourish – there is intricate intrigue, a lot of collective scenes, lots of details… Actually I’m curious to know how to play it.

Spontaneous Chamber Music vs. Spanish Dancer

20.04, 19:30: Kino Iluzjon, Warszawa.
Spontaneous Chamber Music vs. Spanish Dancer
15. Silent Movie Festival

New Spontaneous is available on Bandcamp!

New album by Zakrocki/Olak/Fernández is available on Bandcamp now. You can buy it directly from Listen! Foundation.

And on Jazzarium.pl our new release is announced – yes, it’s in English. You can read about our meeting with Agustí Fernández and the way we recorded our new CD.

I hope you enjoy the music. Just check it up!

Spontaneous plays in SPATiF (WAW, PL)

Spontaneous Chamber Music @ SPATiFi
This is a very special place. Many iconic characters and stories are associated with this club… So we are even happier to play here. Spontaneous Chamber Music will perform in SPATiF on 14.04, and it will be our first concert after the release of the new album. We will have new records with us. You can meet us there, and if someone wishes it, we can also sign a CD. Or anything else.

You can find more info about the event on Facebook.

New album!

This morning I’ve received a box full of new CDs, straight from the press. Marcin Olak, Patryk Zakrocki and Agustí Fernández, Spontaneous Chamber Music, vol.2 is out now!. The album, published by the Listen! Foundation, will be available in stores any moment now, and will certainly be available at our concerts.

We will play 14.04 in SPATiF (WAW, PL), then 20.04 in the Iluzjon Cinema (WAW, PL), at the silent movie festival. Come and listen!

Improv masterclass

On March 17th, I’ll give workshops in improvisation in one of my favorite music schools, Musicollective in Gdańsk (PL). I’ll talk about the psychological aspects of improvisation and the possibilities of developing a creative attitude. There will also be some individual lessons, we will most likely focus on jazz … or maybe not? This is an improvisation, anything can happen. If you happen to be in Gdańsk on March 17th, check this up!

Marcin Olak improv masterclass

More info on www.musicollective.pl – check them up, they’re cool!

Live recording

On February 21. we are recording a live album with Honorata Kożuchowska. We’ll play old Polish songs, mostly from the Twenties and Thirties. Those tunes are so beautiful, and I’m happy we’ll be playing them again!

Spontaneous Chamber Music vol. 2

Last October we’ve recorded an improvised session. Patryk Zakrocki, Agustí Fernández and me. And it looks like our new album – Spontaneous Chamber Music, vol. 2 – will be out this spring. I so excited about this new release, and I hope you’ll like the music. Stay tuned!

Spontaneous Chamber Music vs Nosferatu!

Spontaneous Chamber Music vs. Nosferatu…This February Spontaneous Chamber Music will play in SPATiF (cool new place in Warsaw, PL). Me and Patryk Zakrocki will improvise live music for a 1922 silent movie – “Nosferatu, a symphony of horror”…


EDIT: No we won’t play, this gig is canceled, I’m sorry. We try to make happen some other day, maybe in another place. It’s just a misunderstanding, but an annoying one. :/

Hello, everybody!

Just launched my new website. Yes, it’s just another WordPress blog. I hope I’ll be able to post some news faster this way, so it’ll probably be better this way.

Anyway thanks for visiting, I hope to meet you soon at one of my concerts!