Spontaneous Chamber Music on Ad Libitum Festival!

I’m happy I’m able to invite to our concert. Daaaamn, I missed it so much, thank you COVID-19…

On 16.10 Spontaneous Chamber Music – Anna Gadt, Annemie Osborne, Patryk Zakrocki and me – will perform on the Ad Libitum Festival, IMHO one of the best places to listen to improvised music.

The Festival takes place in Warsaw, Poland, but we’ll probably be online, too. Take a listen, if you like. More info on Ad Libitum website.

16.10, 19:00 – Spontaneous Chamber Music, CSW Zamek Ujazdowski, Sala Laboratorium, Warszawa.

Spontaneous Chamber Music, vol. 3 – out now!

Spontaneous Chamber Music, vol. 3

I am proud to announce new album being released now. Anna Gadt, Annemie Osborne, Patryk Zakrocki & myself. Free improvised music for voice, cello, viola & guitar. Spontaneous Chamber Music, vol. 3. It’s out now.

Our album is released by legendary Fundacji Słuchaj! and is available HERE – as download or CD.

What’s more – we’ve got the first review, by unfailing Maciej Lewenstein! “A wonderful encounter of Spontaneous Chamber music duo of Zakrocki and Olak, with the phenomenal Anna Gadt and equally phenomenal Annemie Osborne, recorded in December 2018 at Quality Studio in Warsaw. Anna continue her run on the red carpet to join the world leading avantgarde vocalists like Maggie Nicols or Laureen Newton. Zakrocki and Olak master their unbelievable synergy and musical imagination. While Anna is more on jazz avantgarde side, Annemie drags toward contemporary chamber music.” – wooow, we’re so proud, thank you, mr. Lewenstein!

Music From Non-Existent Movies – LIVE!

Today, at 21:00 I’ll play for you an improvised set with Music From Non-Existent movies. It will be a unique concert – Anna Gadt joins me this time, I’s soooo lucky! She’s a brilliant artist, improviser, singer, composer… and a great person – if you don’t know her albums, be sure to listen. More information about Anna can be found here.

One more thing – we decided to base our improvisations on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This is the milestone document which says that we are all equal. That we have the same rights. That no one can be illegally deprived of these rights, freedom, or dignity … Now, when nationalism begins to revive again, when people are excluded on the basis of their beliefs, sexual orientation, when we are so divided – now we want to recall this text: “all people are born equal… ”. This declaration was proclaimed by the United Nations in 1948. After the war. So that there would be no more wars …

fot. Pedro Figuares / Pexels

Link to the concert will appear here and on my Facebook 15 mins before the concert. You can listen and watch it for free. Enjoy!

Implemented as part of the scholarship program of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage – Culture on the Web

Music From Non-Existent Movies – Live Now!

In a moment I’ll play for you my solo guitar improvised set with Music From Non-Existent Movies. You can watch it for free, on my YouTube channel – you’re welcome.

Just click >> HERE <<

To watch slightly edited replay click >> HERE <<

Implemented as part of the scholarship program of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage – Culture on the Web

Music From Non-Existent Movies – live at last!

Well… This COVID-19 thing’s hit us all. I miss concerts, I miss meeting you, I miss playing live. And finally, courtesy of the Polish Ministry of Culture, I’ll be able to play something live. For the first time since the premiere of my “Music From Non-Existent Movies”, I’ll play those tunes live. I’ll play in my dungeon, in my studio, and anyone who wants to, will be able to watch it live. Listen. Participate.

Music From Non-Existent Movies

I’ll play on 15.07 at 21:00. Such a strange moment, in the middle of the week, in the middle of summer. In the middle.

I wonder how it’ll sound… It’s improvised music, after all, played once and never repeated. Well…

Music From Non Existent Movies is only available on my Bandcamp, only digital version. Everything is digital now.

Streaming will be available on my YouTube channel and the concert link will be available soon. Stay tuned!

Zrealizowano w ramach programu stypendialnego Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego – Kultura w sieci. Implemented as part of the scholarship program of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage – Culture on the Web

Music From Non-Existent Music is out now!

My new album, Music From Non-Existent Movies is available on my Bandcamp. It’s been recorded between November 2019 and January 2020 in Mustache Ministry studio. I played on a guitar older than me, Framus Figaro from 1956. An imperfect instrument, though carefully reconstructed. But this is what this music was supposed to be: story about fading and passing away about weakness and imperfection. About us. Fully improvised, although based on some pre-prepared ideas and melody outlines. It’s there.

It’s more than resonably prised: 21PLN (about 5Euros). It’s on Bandcamp. Enjoy!

Musicians vs. COVID-19.

It has begun. Our concerts are being canceled due to COVID-19. And I’m afraid I have to admit it makes sense. This virus needs to be stopped, and the places where people gather are places where you can get infected. But it means that we – musicians – don’t have a job. Well…

So if you want to help us, just take care of health. Wash your hands, avoid situations where you can catch this shit. Help to stop it. As soon as the plague is over, we’ll be back on stage. And then just come to the concert and buy a ticket, OK?

Oh, and by the way: if you want me to record a guitar for your new album, write me. I’m pretty available at the moment… ;)

“Gombrowicz” – first reviews

We’ve got the first reviews of “Gombrowicza” – it looks like they like it!

Maciej Lewenstein wrote: “Phenomenal! One of the best jazz/poetry, or better to say improvisation/poetic prose Polish records of all time. … “Gombrowicz” is a clear masterpiece of this kind of music/performance, infinitely original and incredibly ingenious. There nothing comparable to Anna Gadt and Marcin Olak!!!.”

All the review is in English, you can read it here.

And here is another one, by Adam Baruch: ” This album, however, is genuinely Avant-Gardist in every bit of its existence and its ingredients as much as a whole – a rare and beautiful thing indeed – and an absolute treasure! Thank you Anna and Marcin!”

All the Adam’s review is here.